Executive Coaching

Leadership development

Growth acceleration

Balanced peak performance

At Gangtey, we empower founders, CEOs, and investors to achieve exceptional personal and professional growth. Our core philosophy centres on the transformative power of being truly listened to and challenged.

With over a decade of experience working with founders and CEOs, we realised that there is one missing piece in the entrepreneurial journey: a safe space for leaders to think critically, feel empowered, and be challenged.

It is very lonely at the top, yet advice is everywhere. What most leaders miss is someone who can truly listen to them and challenge them, help them unpack their thoughts, and understand their blind spots. And who has their success, however they define it, as the sole goal.

Out of the ordinary, Gangtey is a beautiful and preserved place, near the Himalayas. It is hard to get there, but once you arrive, you do not want to leave.

This is why our practice is called Gangtey. Our aim is to provide you with that space, where you can grow as a human and as a leader; where you can address thoughts and challenges you might not comfortably explore elsewhere; where everything, suddenly, makes sense. Gangtey is where you find peace but also all your energy to keep leading, with more clarity, resilience, and determination.

Cayetana Hurtado

Cayetana's coaching approach is distinguished by her ability to create a safe space for her clients to enable them to think critically and feel empowered. Candid, insightful and empathetic, Cayetana focuses on leadership development, growth acceleration, and the cultivation of a balanced professional life filled with authenticity and purpose. 

As a venture capital investor, board member, and Chief of Staff, Cayetana understands the intricacies, pressures, and strategic considerations that accompany executive roles. Her journey has equipped her with firsthand experience in leading high-performance teams, driving organizational growth, and managing challenges inherent to executive positions.

Cayetana trained as an executive coach with Meyler Campbell, accredited by the Association for Coaching and awarded the European Quality Award as conferred by EMCC. She is a member of EMCC and abides by the Global Code of Ethics. Cayetana completed her MBA with Honors at Columbia Business School and has a MS in Law and Economics.

Cayetana has lived in 5 different countries and is a fluent English, French, and Spanish speaker. She lives in London with her husband and two sons, and is passionate about nutrition, exercise, and interior design.

Out of the ordinary, Gangtey is a beautiful and preserved place, near the Himalayas.

It is hard to get there, but once you arrive, you do not want to leave.